Sunday, June 24, 2012

Keltskih konj topot / Hear the Horses of Celts

Skok nazaj: v februarju je izšel obsežen katalog arheološke razstave Tolminskega muzeja, ki jo je vzpodbudilo izjemno novoodkrito najdišče v Kobaridu, zakop konjev, skupaj z orožjem in drugimi predmeti keltskih konjenikov iz časa mlajše železne dobe, okoli leta 300 pr. n. št., časa zgodnejših pohodov Keltov proti staroselskim prebivalcem jugovzhodnoalpskega območja.
Pri katalogu sem sodelovala z ilustratorskim poskusom rekonstrukcije keltskega bojevnika z najdišča in z ilustracijo prihoda keltskih konjenikov v Kobarid.

Keltskih konj topot: najdišče Bizjakova hiša v Kobaridu: katalog razstave. / 
Hear the Horses of Celts: The Bizjakova hiša Site in Kobarid: Exhibition Catalogue.
Avtorja besedil: Miha Mlinar in Teja Gerbec. Izdal: Tolminski muzej, 2011.

Back in time: in February, a catalogue was published for an archeological exhibition based on the unique find in Kobarid, a burial of Celtic horses together with weapons and other equipment and parts of costumes of Celtic cavalrymen from the 3rd century BC, from time of the earliest marches of the Celts against the local inhabitants of the southern Alpine valleys.
There are two my illustrations in the catalogue; the first is an illustrated proposition for a reconstruction of a Celtic warrior, based on the finds from Kobarid, the second is an illustration of Celtic cavalrymen coming to Kobarid.

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