Thursday, June 7, 2012

Koščki / Bits and pieces

Iz ozadja v ospredje: tik pred izidom je debitantski album kantavtorice Katarine Juvančič, ki nam je v dvojcu s kitaristom Dejanom Lapanjo pripravila nekaj velikega, silnega in globoko utripajočega, kar nosi naslov Selivke. Deset uglasbljenih zgodb desetih žensk bo zadonelo z vso močjo! Zelo sem vesela in počaščena, da sem naslovnici albuma in vsaki pesmi na njem lahko pridala svojo ilustracijo.
Zaenkrat le nekaj drobnih ozadij in črkopisja, še malo, še malo, pa bomo zagledali tudi ospredje.

From the background to the foreground: a great singer-songwriter Katarina Juvančič's debut album will be out very soon. Together with a guitarist Dejan Lapanja, she has made something incredibly powerful when she decided to set music to her poems that speak ten real stories of ten women. I'm utterly pleased to be a part of it with my illustrations for the album's cover and for each of the songs.
Only some tiny pieces from the background and a handlettering today, but the foreground will be seen very soon, too.

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